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What is an Enterprise Data Warehouse?

Author: Chip Hartney (The Datamology Company)

First written: Long ago

Last updated: January 15, 2024


Abstract 1

Definition. 1

Goals. 1



In this article, I share my definition of an enterprise data warehouse (which I believe is commonly agreed upon by industry practitioners).


An enterprise data warehouse (EDW) is a collection of data assets that support a business's enterprise-level decision-making processes.

Traditionally, an EDW is:

·        Subject-oriented: Organized by subjects relevant to the business.

·        Integrated: Combines data from conflicting and disparate sources into useful data assets.

·        Non-volatile: Provides consistent results across system time.

·        Time-variant: Represents reality across business time.

I remember this with the unoriginal and admittedly unintuitive acronym of SINT.


The industry-accepted goals of a data warehouse include:

·        Data from across the enterprise (and beyond) is integrated into a single version of the truth.

·        The data is organized in a subject-oriented manner that is meaningful to the org.

·        Data values are captured as they change over time to support time-based analysis.

·        The history of the data changes is non-volatile to maintain consistency in reporting.

·        Data is maintained at a sufficiently granular form to enable any future reporting needs.

·        Data lineage is clear and auditable.

·        The architecture is scalable.

·        Changes to the data warehouse can be made in an agile manner.

·        Metadata is available to aid consumers of the data.